Saturday, October 12, 2013

Marshall makes a statement and Thornton plans to celebrate

From where I sit it looks like a great move from Brandon Marshall...


The NFL guards their uniform codes very carefully. Maybe, even too carefully. Marshall is bringing attention to a very important cause. As someone who suffers from depression knowing there is encouragement from others serves to give me hope. Mental illness impacts many families, and far too often it goes undiagnosed. The NFL does a wonderful service with their pink everything. So, what's wrong with raising a voice for mental illness? The league though, did allow him to wear his green cleats. Yes, he got fined, but there could easily have been a message to the referees to not allow Marshall on the field at all. So, not only did he get the message out, but thanks to the fines and media chatting Marshall got what he wanted. Publicity. His message has been spread. And the NFL, albeit tacitly, gave their support to his message.

There are a lot of questions surrounding Joe Thornton's possible celebration if he scores 4 goals in a game...


But, the controversy does just cover what Thornton may or may not do...but how it was reported. Jason Blatchford had it in his blog. He, in turn, credits the with having Thornton's comment available for all to read. At what point does yelling a comment at a group of reporters become 'off the record'? How would it have been treated if he had made a racist or homophobic comment? I've been in plenty of locker rooms. I'm well aware of the quality of language used by a majority of athletes is anything but quotable. Joe made a joke. Depending on your sense of humour it's funny. But, at what point should the media just laugh along with Thorton? Or does Thorton deserve a rap on the knuckles for cracking a dirty joke to a bunch of reporters and then being surprised when he gets quoted? All that was needed to that comment was, “But, don't quote me on that.”. That's it. It's a dead issue. Instead we end up with questions about journalistic integrity. Here's a simple breakdown for the uninitiated. If you don't want to be quoted, don't talk to the media. Even if your comment never makes it to print or on air it's remembered. And, no matter what the reporter says, you are always on the record.

At least that's how I see it...and I sit in the cheap seats.

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