where I sit it looks like another case of blaming the victim...
get it. Initiation is part of team building. Making everyone feel
like they're part of the group. But at what point do you cross the
line? When does initiation become hazing? More importantly, when
should it become a public matter? Naturally, the Dolphins, and
apparently several other NFLers, would like this to have been an
in-house situation. Quite frankly, I'm glad it's not. Like it or
not, these guys are role models for children. With Martin standing
up to the bully he's showing kids they can do the same thing. Martin
didn't use his fists. He didn't start taking it out on his family.
He didn't decide to 'man-up', he decided to grow up. It takes more
courage to walk away, than to shut up and take the abuse. Jonathan
Martin shouldn't be condemned, but praised. He's taking steps to
make life safer for kids who are victims of bullies. Sadly, Martin
seems to still have bullies to take on, but he's made an important
first step, he quoted Popeye, “That's all I can stands, I can't
stands no more.”
least that's how I see it...and I sit in the cheap seats.
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