where I sit it looks like MLB actually got something right...
true that change in baseball is best measured using time-lapse
photography but this is a fairly abrupt shift. It's not just about
expanding what can be reviewed. It's allowing coaches to challenge
the call. And, more importantly, it's setting up a 'war room' like
the NHL uses. It's been glossed over a lot in the coverage, but
honestly, I think this is the biggest change. For the first time the
decision will not be made by the umpires on the field. Last season
Angel Hernandez refused to change a call on a home run. That's not
going to happen this year. The final call will be with an umpire
who has nothing to do with the game in question. He will be in a
booth in New York. Not on the field getting chirped at. He won't be
hot and sweaty or cold and tired. He will be unaffected by the game.
It's a monumental shift. And one that's a long time coming. Now,
if they could do something about the length of the games...
least that's how I see it...and I sit in the cheap seats.
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