where I sit it looks like at least one NBAer has an idea on how to
sell the game in Canada...
Naturally, Gortat isn't thinking about selling the game, just
settling scores, but is he onto something? Or maybe just on
something. I would certainly enjoy it. Nothing like a good scrap to
liven up a game and let's face it the most replayed NBA event in the
last decade is the Malice at the Palace. At the very least the
league would need bigger referees. Imagine some of the guys they
have now trying to get between LeBron and Garnett. Maybe teams could
employ a designated fighter. A basketball goon. Someone who would
only put up a couple points during a game, but could really throw
'em. Those guys would quickly become fan favourites. Of course this
is a ridiculous idea, but it sure is fun to dream.
of ridiculous, it's almost time for the road to the Final Four...
This is one of the best sports
tournaments in the world. It honestly feels like every college in
the US has a chance. Only die-hard fans can easily recognize every
team. The action, particularly in the first couple of rounds, is as
dizzying as it is spectacular. Fantastic to watch. And all for the
glory of the school. Right? It's not like the NCAA and CBS stand to
make millions and millions of dollars. Right? This tournament is
just like every other one staged by the NCAA. It's about money.
Very few of the players playing in the next month will make the NBA
and make massive amounts of money. For the vast majority this will
be the last truly competitive game they will play. Although, the
education is wonderful, quite frankly the players should start seeing
at least a portion of the money being raked in by corporations.
least that's how I see it...and I sit in the cheap seats.
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