Thursday, May 29, 2014

Why don't fans go to Blue Jays games?

From where I sit it looks like there is a major question surrounding the Blue Jays...


Specifically, where are the fans? Take a look at their attendance figures. The Jays are 22nd over all with an average of 24,067 per game. However, when you take out series against the Yankees and Red Sox the numbers plummet to 19,066, 28th over all. Only Tampa Bay and Cleveland average fewer. Arizona is averaging 27,145 and the Diamondbacks are a brutal 21-33. What can the Blue Jays do to get more fans? They are at or near the top of the Majors in runs, hits and home runs. Toronto has won 14 of their last 16 games. So, it's not a lack of excitement. How about price...get in the door for $11, field level seats start at $44. Not bad, above the league average, but given the price of other sporting events certainly nothing to complain about. Part of what make this so surprising is the borderline insane dedication to even the slightest hint of success from either the Leafs or Raptors. Yet, the Blue Jays show signs of life and they're greeted with a big yawn from Toronto. I guess Yogi Berra was right, “If people don't want to come out to the ball park, how are you going to stop them?”

At least that's how I see it, and I sit in the cheap seats.

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