Monday, March 10, 2014

Bonds gets thanks for bringing in big bucks

From where I sit it looks like there's at least one Major Leaguer with an eye on reality...


Eric Chavez is bang on with his assessment. Even with the vast majority of the stars of the late 90s and early 2000s linked to PEDs the money hasn't regressed. And it never will. Those players despite their pathetic behaviour made a massive impact on the bottom line of every team in MLB. And, by extension, every player. With the massive jump in interest came the huge leap in salaries. And, unlike the NHL, NBA and NFL, there still isn't a salary cap in baseball. Last season there were 20 players making $20-million or more. There are 6 in the NBA and none in the NFL or NHL. The long-term impact of the steroid era is inescapable. Every accomplishment is tinged with questions about it's validity. There's more than a few people who think Bond's home run record should have an asterisk attached. Given his massive build up in body, it's hard to disagree. Sadly, no matter how great the level of righteous indignation the money will stay. And every major leaguer has gotten a shot in the arm, at least financially.

At least that's how I see it...and I sit in the cheap seats.

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