Thursday, October 3, 2013

Patrick Roy shows rookie bravado...or is that stupidity

From where I sit it looks like Patrick Roy is a wonderful distraction for the NHL...

A day after having a high-profile enforcer carted off the ice on a stretcher, Roy went crazy on his coaching debut. It's exactly what the league needed. What's the best way to get people to stop talking about George Parros? Have a coach send his own thugs out on the ice, with his team winning, then start screaming at everyone within earshot. Roy's juvenile histrionics serve as a reminder that he's a rookie coach in his first game. Roy was a hot-headed jackass when he played and clearly that continues behind the bench. Don't get me wrong, he was a hell of a goalie, but the list of his eccentricities is a mile long. It was the first game of the season and he was already loosing his mind. I'm interested to see if he can calm down as the season goes along. He acted like this in a blow out win...what's going to happen when the Avalanche are getting shelled? This isn't junior hockey, hissy fits don't work the same in the NHL. But, it's Patrick Roy and when has he ever done anything the normal way?

At least that's how I see it...and I sit in the cheap seats.

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