Sunday, December 1, 2013

An unforgettable end to the Iron Bowl

From where I sit it looks like Nick Saban made a huge mistake...

I have one big question: what the hell was Saban thinking? A 57 yard field goal attempt from a freshman who had barely kicked all season. I will give Adam Griffith credit, he came up just short of the goalposts and the back of the endzone. However, he still didn't make the kick. I'm also wondering how much faith Saban has in either his defence or his offence if he feels his best option is a long, long fieldgoal instead of overtime. Even if they take a knee and go to overtime and the offence does nothing, it's still a 45 yard attempt. And judging by his initial kick Griffith could have made that. But no, Saban put his faith in a back-up kicker and we got an ending that rivals some of the best college football has ever seen.

At least that's how I see it...and I sit in the cheap seats.

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